Alejandro González Iñárritu’s film Bardo, falsa crónica de unas cuantas verdades, has won the Unimed Award attributed by 17 students from Unimed’s international member universities (149 universities from 24 countries in the ‘Mediterranean area), who viewed the films in the official competition of the 79th Venice Film Festival.
The award is in its sixth edition, under the coordination of Antonio Falduto, Director of the Audiovisual Department of the university’s Rome branch. The award, now in its sixth edition, aims to reward the film that most conveys the values of cultural diversity, promotes freedom of artistic expression and encourages intercultural dialogue.

Here’s the motivation: “Iñárritu manages to create an interesting balance between narcissism and critique of the self, focusing on his cultural origins and the privileges derived from his status as an established artist. The director unashamedly inserts himself into the film’s narrative, presenting his point of view regarding the complex relationship between Mexican and U.S. cultural identities. Silverio represents the inner dilemma faced by migrants seeking better living conditions in another country. His successes in journalism, on the one hand, bring him closer to the life he has always wanted. Still, on the other hand, they distance him from his Mexican origins, which he nevertheless insists on passing on to his children-sometimes with hypocrisy. Silverio and his family face a double rejection: that of the country in which they live and that of the country they left behind.”
“The Unimed prize, created by artist Maurizio Radici and offered by PDG Arte Communications,” Falduto explained, “will be presented to the winner at a meeting to be held at one of the universities in the Unimed universe and will be streamed live to all Unimed universities.”