La sua Justice League: Director’s Cut ha creato un vero esercito di fan, dopo esser stata a lungo richiesta, ma Zack Snyder continua a fare tendenza, intanto su twitter. Dove la foto pubblicata per stuzzicare i follower nel Giorno del Ringraziamento ha scatenato speculazioni di ogni tipo, e fatto sognare tanti nonostante il Thanksgiving in famiglia.
He’s literally a director, y’all really think this slow pan and adjustment halfway through the video to make sure the final crisis book is perfectly in frame is an accident? 😭😭😭
— Mercury (@theeSNYDERVERSE) November 26, 2021
Definitosi onorato di aver dato vita a un vero e proprio movimento, sostenuto dall’hashtag #RestoreTheSnyderVerse, il regista ha sempre ribadito come la Warner Bros. non fosse interessata a proseguire il rapporto di lavoro con lui. Ma per lo SnyderVerse sembra esserci ancora speranza.
Zack Snyder manda Sofia Boutella nello spazio
Almeno a vedere l’albo Absolute Final Crisis della DC Comics – casualmente! – sullo sfondo della foto dell’immancabile tacchino, insieme ai due quaderni di appunti oggetto di un successivo tweet accompagnato da un subdolo “WHAT IF”.
The two books on top of Final Crisis…WHAT IF
— Mercury (@theeSNYDERVERSE) November 25, 2021
Di seguito alcune delle tante reazioni inneggianti allo SnyderVerse suscitate dal tweet:
Zack is teasing something. This man plays too much with little background hints with all his photos for this to not mean something.
Also, it’s a damn Final Crisis omnibus on the kitchen table with Darkseid on the cover. He knew fans would notice.
— Walt (@Uber_Kryptonian) November 25, 2021
Final Crisis 😳?? Zack is going cryptic again ✌️😭#RestoreTheSnyderVerse
— 𝐆𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐭 𝐨𝐟 SnyderVerse (@Itssan17) November 26, 2021
WHAT ARE YOU TEASING MY MADMAN ZACHARY 😭😭#RestoreTheSnyderVerse— Srinath #00Z (@819Srinath) November 26, 2021
Like clock work
Zack Snyder
Final Crisis #RestoreTheSnyderVerse
— Leonidas (@Signs2323) November 26, 2021
Debbie watching Zack putting his Final Crisis copy on the kitchen counter for a Vero post
— Grayson (@KnightFleck) November 26, 2021
Has a copy of Final Crisis in his kitchen next to the turkey with the quote 'Thankful'
Above the comic there're 2 documents similar to the books in which he storyboards his movies
Say in the video 'It's not even bubbling yet'#RestoreTheSnyderVerse is greenlighted IMO
— Dromel 🎃🇪🇸 #RestoreTheSnyderVerse (@Dromel4) November 26, 2021
Even zacks old storyboards had elements of Final Crisis. We are all aware his story has changed somewhat but my guess is that its still heavily influenced by Final Crisis
Yep, batman dies in that comic
— SyL ☕🍗 (@sylabdul_inc) November 26, 2021