Jim Shepard is one of the most interesting contemporary American writers. Shepard's stories are driven by two parallel engines. First one is life and...
Contemporary Iranian cinema is experiencing a particularly complicated phase connected to internal politic and sanctions and bans from USA and EU that that make...
Alessandro Gassmann arrived at Lido as a protagonist. He is Mauro Mancini's Non odiare leading actor. The movie is in competition at International Critic's...
Clicca qui per leggere l'articolo su "Assandira".
Stasera Salvatore - Shoemaker of dreams, Luca Guadagnino rilegge la leggenda del calzolaio dei sogni
«Questo è il lavoro di...
Click here to read "The other Sardinien: Assandira by Salvatore Mereu".
Tonight Salvatore - Shoemaker of dreams, Luca Guadagnino reinterprets the legend of the shoemaker...
It's working surprisingly well
«It's working surprisingly well». This is how Hollywood Reporter describes the Film Festival and the hygiene measures which, in their opinion,...