VirtualReporter is magic, transforms
your readers into reporters. It is ready also for your audience.
VirtualReporter changes the way to do journalism. Turn your readers into reporters. it isn’t a joke. It is a pure state of interaction. Your article can born by the hands of your readers, and describe the world through the eyes and the voice of your audience. There’s nothing more engaging. VirtualReporter makes it happen.
No access to anonymous. He want know who you are.
Want to become a journalist? Register. Already registered? Just Login.
No content can be loaded if you aren’t registered. Your readers don’t want to !ll in the registration form?
No problem. They can register through social, facebook, google+, Twitter, LinkedIn.
It’s easy to communicate
with your readers. System messages and push notifications.
You will have two way to communicate with your readers. The automatic system messages, that gives them the instant feedback to their actions, and the push noti!cation, messages that reach the, even when their apps are closed. “Vogue party on creatie row, go there and send us a pictures”.
All contents are moderate. Journalists, but judiciously.
The application is free. Downloadable by everyone.
Readers can create a pro!le and start sending editorial content to you. Everything is under your control. Only you can decide what publish in your CMS and what not. Each content that arrive in the control panel will have to be moderated. Always. Comfortable. Useful. Automatic. Now it’s your way! Care, delete or publish content.
The basic commands? Are 4. The buttons of power.
The power of virtualreporter is contained in only 4 commands: Create article, My article, Maps, Help. You won’t need anything else. Don’t you agree? First test the
Create article.
The right dress for any news. The funniest way to work.
Launch the application, log in, and immediately choose what you want to do. Do you want to upload photos, a video, an audio recording, an event? Every occurrence is been already planned, each action will be guided. Just !lling out the required !elds. What are they? Title, subtitle, text are the most important ones. Author and address? Don’t worry, they might be automatic. Move back and forth between pages with the swipe of your !nger. It will be fast.
My Article. A quicker article viewer. Password: simplicity.
How to manage the created articles with VirtualReporter? Each account can only view its own articles. Scroll through the list to !nd the one you need. All content will have his label status: published, waiting publication, saved on the device. Just a tap on the item to modify or post it on CMS.
Maps. The geolocalization of your news.
VirtualReporter don’t miss pieces. In fact, each article has its own space. Each event is localized. The map collect and arrange all CMS articles, according to the address entered in the creation form. You can consult the articles by areas. You’ll always know what’s happening around you.
Help! The tab that takes the guesswork. VirtualReporter’s information point.
His goal is to anticipate users questions. Is mission is answer them.
What information does it provide? How to navigate between categories, what are the categories, which are the elements that make up an article, what are the permissions of users.
Virtualcom’s world is made of interaction. Our products are great talkers.
VirtualReporter integrates with any CMS platform.
Communicates well with everyone. In every occasion.
Are you already a Virtualcom customer? Do you already have a VirtualCMS platform? Great. Increase your power by adding VirtualReporter.