Dopo l’annuncio dato dall’agenzia Reuters e dai suoi stessi figli, la notizia della morte di Kirstie Alley ha inevitabilmente scatenato un’onda lunga di cordoglio e condoglianze. E al primo messaggio dell’amico e collega John Travolta sono in molti a voler condividere un ricordo dell’attrice scomparsa o inviarle – per quanto via social – un proprio estremo saluto.
LEGGI ANCHE: Addio alla Kirstie Alley di Senti chi parla e Star Trek
“Ci ritroveremo” ha scritto Travolta, e sulla stessa lunghezza d’onda sembra essere l’incredula Kristin Chenoweth (West Wing, Glee, Vita da strega)… Solo una delle tante voci che si continuano ad alternare in questo lungo omaggio virtuale, da Jamie Lee Curtis a Tim Allen e Robert Patrick.
Alcuni dei messaggi di condoglianze per la morte di Kirstie Alley:
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I’m completely DevesTated. RIP KIRSTIE
— Kristin Chenoweth (@KChenoweth) December 6, 2022
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A sweet soul pass on in Kristie Alley. Sad, sad news. Prayers for all her family.
— Tim Allen (@ofctimallen) December 6, 2022
Kirstie was beautiful in so many ways. I loved working with her. There was no one like her on earth. My condolences to her family. @kirstiealley
— Clancy Brown (@RealClancyBrown) December 6, 2022
Oh Kirstie 💔
Rest in Peace 🙏🏻— valerie bertinelli (@Wolfiesmom) December 6, 2022
So very sad. Kirstie Alley R.I.P. My condolences to her family.
— Robert Patrick 🇺🇸 (@robertpatrickT2) December 6, 2022
Whether you agreed with her or not, Kirstie Alley was an undeniable talent who brought joy to many – through the screen and with her warm, hilarious spirit.
RIP, luv. You were one of a kind.
— Jackée Harry (@JackeeHarry) December 6, 2022
I just head the news about #KirstieAlley. I’ve not spoke w/ her forever, but have her to thank for launching my career. She told me I was funny every single day on Veronica’s Closet, and I believed her. She threw the best parties and gave the parakeets as our wrap gift. Godspeed.
— Ever Carradine (@EverCarradine) December 6, 2022
Wow. This is shocking news. @kirstiealley Dead at 71 After Private Battle with Cancer via @TMZ
— yvette nicole brown (@YNB) December 6, 2022
My heart breaks for Kirstie and her family. Whether it was her brilliance in “Cheers” or her magnetic performance in the “Look Who’s Talking” franchise, her smile was always infectious, her laugh was always contagious and her charisma was always iconic. RIP 🙏
— Josh Gad (@joshgad) December 6, 2022
Shocked and saddened by the news of Kirstie Alley.
— Travis Tritt (@Travistritt) December 6, 2022
🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️. Kirstie was a sweetheart. RT @kirstiealley:
— Larry The Cable Guy (@GitRDoneLarry) December 6, 2022
This is such sad news. A beautiful, brave, funny and beloved woman. Rest in Peace, Kirstie Alley.
— Megyn Kelly (@megynkelly) December 6, 2022