Oltre a Matthew McConaughey, che come vi abbiamo già riportato qua è stato uno dei primi ad intervenire sul massacro avvenuto alla Robb Elementary di Uvalde, Texas (sua città natale), sono tante le celebrità che nelle ultime ore si stanno rivolgendo ai social per esprimere tutta la loro frustrazione per una situazione sempre più tragica riguardo il controllo delle armi in America.
La strage di Uvalde, avvenuta per mano del diciottenne Salvador Ramos, ha tolto la vita a 21 persone ed è stata la seconda carneficina più grave a livello di vittime dopo quella del 2012 Newtown, nel Connecticut, dove ne morirono 26. Solo nel 2022, da inizio anno, ci sono state più di 200 sparatorie di massa negli USA. Un calendario di stragi che si infittisce oramai sempre di più, di fronte al quale tanti cittadini americani hanno perso la pazienza. Ecco alcune reazioni postate online dalle celebrità, tra cui il discorso del Presidente Joe Biden:
Joe Biden
I’m addressing the nation on the horrific elementary school shooting in Uvalde, Texas. https://t.co/8WI1nWHu6R
— President Biden (@POTUS) May 25, 2022
Taylor Swift
Ha ricondiviso il toccante discorso di Steve Kerr, allenatore dei Golden State Warriors:
Filled with rage and grief, and so broken by the murders in Uvalde. By Buffalo, Laguna Woods and so many others. By the ways in which we, as a nation, have become conditioned to unfathomable and unbearable heartbreak. Steve’s words ring so true and cut so deep. https://t.co/Rb5uwSTxty
— Taylor Swift (@taylorswift13) May 25, 2022
LeBron James
My thoughts and prayers goes out to the families of love ones loss & injured at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, TX! Like when is enough enough man!!! These are kids and we keep putting them in harms way at school. Like seriously “AT SCHOOL” where it’s suppose to be the safest!
— LeBron James (@KingJames) May 24, 2022
Chris Evans
— Chris Evans (@ChrisEvans) May 24, 2022
Selena Gomez
Today in my home state of Texas 18 innocent students were killed while simply trying to get an education. A teacher killed doing her job; an invaluable yet sadly under appreciated job. If children aren’t safe at school where are they safe?
— Selena Gomez (@selenagomez) May 25, 2022
John Favreau
I didn’t think it was possible to feel more sickened or enraged by school shootings, and then I became a parent.
What an unimaginable nightmare.
— Jon Favreau (@jonfavs) May 24, 2022
Viola Davis
No words. At what point are we going to either admit we have a HUGE problem or we can no longer bear to witness the loss of human life. THIS is not a political crisis, it is a human crisis!!! But…once again, RIP…..It’s reductive and insulting to just give condolences. 💔💔💔 pic.twitter.com/d1gtiEIvFt
— Viola Davis (@violadavis) May 25, 2022
Carrie Coon
Under the tyranny of the second amendment, my children have lost their unalienable Rights as defined in our Declaration of Independence: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This is not freedom.
— Carrie Coon (@carriecoon) May 24, 2022
Tim McGraw
— Tim McGraw (@TheTimMcGraw) May 25, 2022